Minggu, 11 September 2011

Health Hazards of Nail Bite Habits

Some people may like biting your nails because of boredom, anxiety, stress or compulsive behaviors (repetitive habits). But the habit of biting nails turned out to be harmful to health.
According to the study of Operant Learning Principles Applied to Nail Biting by Terry M.McClanahan, nail biting 28-33 percent occurred in children aged 7-10 years, 44 percent of teens, young adults 19-29 percent and 5 percent in older adults.
Sometimes nail biting is also known as chronic onychophagia, which must be treated by a doctor or mental health providers, because often these habits can be damaging.
Hands and nails is a nest of germs, bacteria, viruses or fungi. Therefore, the nail biting habit should be stopped because of this bad habit can be harmful to health.
As quoted from eHow, Wednesday (05/12/2010), the following hazards caused by bad habits biting nails:
1. Infection
Biting nails can cause infections of the skin around the nail, known as paronychia. This occurs because the protective barrier between the nail and nail folds broken because of moisture. The organism can then enter the gap nail, resulting in bacterial or fungal infection in the finger.
Paronychia can be acute or chronic. Symptoms include pain, pain, inflammation and swelling of the fingers.
2. Bacteria or viruses
The habit of biting nails done constantly can cause bacterial or viral infections of the nails and fingers spread to other fingers, or to the lips and mouth.
When the finger constantly wet with saliva, it can cause yeast infections in the nail and oral herpes. Bacteria and viruses can also cause the nail and the base of small cracks weaken nails.
Nail biting can also cause the fingers became swollen and even bleeding, where the bacteria to travel into the bloodstream.
3. Problems with the teeth
Oral problems caused by biting your nails such as gingivitis (inflamed gums) and tooth decay. Front teeth are prone to be broken, cracked or worn due to nail biting.
Nail biting causes the tooth root becomes shorter, known as root resorption, which can also grow and cause tooth loss. In addition, nail biting can also cut the gums, and allows the bacteria enter the wound.
4. Wart
Biting nails can cause warts nail, nails grow rough and hard on the bottom and around the nail. These warts are difficult to cure because of their location around the nail. Warts can damage the nail growth and spread to other parts of the body.
Subungual or periungual warts are formed under the fingernails is a benign tumor. But if left untreated, they can grow and cause infection in other fingers.
Periungual skin is high and uneven, it can cause peeling and rough surfaces of the hands. These warts can damage the nail by lifting it from the skin or nails caused partially detached.
Warts can be removed with prescribed medications, surgical procedures, with freezing, burning or laser treatment.
Now, before all of the above happens to you, immediately stop the nail biting habit, which in addition to damaging the beauty of nails, can also endanger your health.

In order No Pain When Trapped Rain, Walking or Running?

Rain sometimes makes a headache because the air pressure is low. People will usually quickly to avoid the rain in the hope that no ill. When trapped rain, which should be running as usual or a gallop?
Body condition during the rainy season is usually easy to drop as much as possible then it's not too wet-basahan if it is not fit.
Some diseases in the rainy season include dizziness, flu, dengue fever, diarrhea, vomiting, dysentery, intestinal worms. When the body is wet, damp clothes that make a home causing mold and fungus on the skin like the groin, toes, breast fold.
There is an assumption running hard through the rain is more secure than just running it since it runs only the body would be wet. At first glance the assumption is true, since by running the rain will be much briefer. But the run would make exposure to rain water does not only come from above, but also from the front so it is quite reasonable to run in the rain just makes it more moist.
Excerpted from the Gazette, Wednesday (05/12/2010), two scientists from North Carolina, Thomas Peterson and Trevor Wallis never do experiments about it. They do it in the Appalachian region during rainstorms in the summer of 1996.
In the pouring rain, Wallis ran the 100 meters at their office parking lot while Peterson was just walking. Both are wearing hats and clothing made from the same, ie, from cotton.
Once through the rain, their clothes were immediately weighed. It turned out that the clothes worn Peterson 40 percent more weight because it was wet with rain water than Wallis clothes that run fast.
Wettest part is on the cap, showing the splash came from above. They concluded, the longer it is under the rain it will be more wet.
Meanwhile, researchers from Canada, Doug Craigen add other factors that influence the current level through the rain soaked. According to him, body shape is also influential, especially shoulder height and the bees.
Running can also be wetter
Meanwhile, Nick Allen of the Royal Astronomical Society, quoted by the BBC (05/12/2010), giving a different opinion about the rain. According to him, run very fast as wet with silent for much longer in the pouring rain.
This is because some variables can not be controlled like the fall speed of rain water (velocity), the density of rain water, and body size. Which can be controlled only speed run and the length of time while in the pouring rain.
Other variables that also need attention of course the direction of wind, which determines the point of coming rain. Running against the direction of the rain of course will be wetter than running the same direction.
If the decision to run or walk must be made within a short time so as not to hurt exposed to rain, many of these variables may be too complicated to be calculated.
The following tips are more practical to be applied when not forget to bring an umbrella so that the body was not too wet, so avoid the headaches and colds:Choose the location for the shelter, such shelter or overhang store. Determine the direction of the route to be taken at the same timeObserve the point of arrival of rain, compared with the intended directionIf unidirectional, running is the best choice. If the opposite direction, running will only make the faster wet or even dampIf it is not possible to take a straight route, adjust the step at every turn. Every now and then walking, then running again.

Why Difficult Concentrating?

In some people, it is difficult to maintain concentration caused by medical conditions such as Attention and Hyperactivity Disorder Convergence (GPPH). But not a few who triggered the simple things, which is certainly easier to overcome.
The things mentioned are generally associated with internal factors on the individual concerned, for example, stress and lack of exercise. There are also external factors, such as poor working environment and the impact of technological development.
Here are five factors that cause reduced concentration, quoted from the Health, Sunday (16/05/2010).
Poisoning technologyThe number of gadgets on the desk like two sides of the coin. On the one hand can provide comfort, even ease through features reminder and schedule control. On the other hand, the more objects that attract the attention of the brain will make it difficult to focus on one job. Back to the agenda book is sometimes more effective to simply remember the schedule. To avoid dependency, take some time away to avoid the iPod, Blackberry, computers, laptops and other sophisticated devices. A timely manner, among others, after dinner or before bed.
Lack of sleepNext month during a World Cup event in 2010, ensured the productivity of workers will decrease. Quality of sleep is not good because they have to stay up to watch the ball would disturb the concentration when working during the day. Another impact of the lack of sleep is disturbed mood, irritable and easily tired. Certain conditions even need medical help to fix it for example on sleep disorders (sleep disorder).
Less satisfied with workVery reasonable if not pleasant working atmosphere will reduce the mood and concentration. This condition occurs when the conflict with a boss or coworkers, or working on projects that boring or not in accordance with the interests and abilities.Individuals with GPPH also experienced this kind of thing, and needed medical help to improve performance. If it were not for GPPH, the easiest solution is to find a new job.
Too much pressureStress and anxiety are very disturbing concentration as it affects the cognitive centers in the brain. Part is responsible for the ability to think quickly and sharply. To relieve stress, a lot of ways you can do such as meditation. Researchers from UCLA had even claimed, meditation can overcome depression and provides a positive development in patients GPPH.
Lack of exercise Some scientific evidence shows that regular exercise can keep the mind sharp while increasing memory capacity. In fact this also applies to individuals with GPPH. In addition, activities that drain a lot of sweat will burn off excess energy that often triggers anxiety. In effect, night sleep becomes more effective and better quality so fresh mind while working during the day.

As a result of Sleep Deprivation

The body can not lie, including when need be rested. Although enthusiasm for the move is still raging, certain symptoms will appear as a sign that the body feels tired.
In addition to resting the muscles, sleep also gives an opportunity for the immune system to produce hormones immunity. In order for these regulations are not disturbed, naturally the body also releases hormones that trigger drowsiness at certain times.
Signs that the body feels tired easily recognizable, among others, as quoted from the Prevention, Monday (17/05/2010), as follows.
1. Everything becomes complicated-lookingAccording to a researcher from the University of California, Sean Drummond, PhD, lack of sleep can make things seem so trivial to be complicated. In effect, a person becomes difficult to remember the details, could not sort out and remember important information, and is difficult to adjust to a sudden change in schedule.
2. Still feel hungry despite eating all dayResearch has shown that sleep deprivation can lower blood sugar levels. These conditions inhibit the production of leptin, a hormone that controls appetite. In contrast, production of ghrelin hormone that triggers hunger will increase. Unfortunately, in this condition the body will feel more in need of sugar rather than more complex carbohydrates.
3. Become susceptible to coldsLack of rest make the immune system weakens, so easily infected by viruses or bacteria. According to one study, sleep for 8 hours / day can reduce the risk of getting the flu as much as 3 times compared to only sleep for 7 hours / day. According to another study, sleep for 4 hours / day even make flu vaccine does not work.
4. Become more sentimental and weepyA study ever conducted to examine the relationship between lack of sleep with the emotions that are not stable, with lurid pictures showing how the participants who did not sleep all night. Through brain scans, it appears an increase in activity up to 60 percent in the amygdala, part of the brain responsible for fear and anxiety. Form other emotions that can arise is feeling sad, irritable, and sometimes quick-tempered.
5. Became more clumsy and carelessSome scientific evidence suggests, lack of sleep make motor responses become slower and inaccurate, diminished reflexes and can not focus on one activity. The exact cause is unknown, but experts believe that it is the strong encouragement of the body for sleep. Clumsy or awkward even can be called 'microsleeps' or sleep in a micro scale.

Disease 'Dracula' from Side Medical

Dracula is described as being nocturnal (night creatures) who always avoid the sun.The depiction is similar to the symptoms of porphyria, a blood disorder in the production of hemoglobin pigment.
Porphyria is a disorder in the production of pigment porphyrin, which gives color to the hemoglobin. Symptoms that appear vary depending on its type, but in general characterized by porphyrin accumulation caused by excessive production.
Porphyria and prophyrin word itself comes from Greek, meaning the color purple porphyrus. As the name implies, this disorder can lead to urine and some body parts become purple.
This disease is a genetic disorder, which is generally inherited and not infectious.However, several factors can also trigger the production of porphyrin in excess, among others, as quoted from the Mayo Clinic on Monday (5/17/2010) the following:Drugs (barbiturates, sulfonamides, some types transquilizer and sedatives, as well as birth control pills)InfectionConsumption of cigarettes and alcoholStress and hormonal disruption during the menstrualIron overload.Porphyria can affect the nervous system or skin, or it could be both. If attacking the nerves then categorized as Accute porphyria, whereas if you attack the skin, the category included cutaneous porphyria.
Symptoms are similar to Dracula was found in Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT), one subtype that attacks the skin and nervous all at once. Increased skin sensitivity, it becomes easy to blister if exposed to sunlight. Although uncommon, abnormalities in the kidneys are also often accompanies.
Other symptoms that can be observed is skin color becomes darker and sometimes accompanied by abnormal hair growth. In very severe cases, teeth become brownish red pigment due to excessive growth which reached that part.
Just like Dracula, PCT patients should also avoid sunlight, especially ultraviolet light so that symptoms do not worsen. If accompanied by a deficiency of red blood cells, then the patient should also undergo regular blood transfusions.
To reduce the excess porphyrin, the patient will usually be given drugs like cholestyramine or activated carbon. While beta-carotene or canthaxantrin given to reduce skin sensitivity to ultraviolet.
Dracula was also suffering from Porphyria
In the novel, Dracula is just a fictional character of Bram Stoker. But the name was supposedly inspired by a Romanian nobleman in the 15th century, Vlad II Dracul make as a family name since joining a secret organization the Order of the Dragon.
One descendant of Vlad II Dracul, aka Vlad the successors, Vlad III is known to be very cruel, so was nicknamed the butcher (the Impaler). Vlad III Dracula, also known by the name of which means the son of the dragon.
This last figure who reportedly suffered from porphyria, and has inspired the character portrayal of Dracula in Stoker's novel. In addition to always avoid the sun, he also has a ruthless character, just like the characters in the novel.
Some well-known figures are also suspected of having porphyria, among others, the painter Vincent van Gogh. Other figures who 'into a vampire' because it must avoid the sun is a former King of England George William III and Mary Stuart, cousin who had become Queen of Scotland.

Lying and effect for the Health

How many times have men and women lying in one year? Apparently quite a lot with a variety of reasons. But experts warn the importance of telling the truth because lying is not good for health.
Results of research conducted Katie Maggs found that the average man lying 1092 per year, which means a lie 3 times a day. In contrast, the average woman lied 728 times in a year, or about 2 times a day.
Men usually lie with the excuse to cover up his bad habits, while women tend to lie to cover up their true feelings.
"Lying may seem to be an inevitable part of human nature, but this is an important part of social interaction," says Katie Maggs, associate medical curator at the Museum of Science, which commissioned the study, as reported from Dailymail, Tuesday (18/05/2010) .
The results of this study have been published under the title 'Who Am I? " in the museum gallery, west London, which aims to understand the brain science, genetics and human behavior.
But as reported by the journal Neuroendocrinology that examines the relationship between the mind and emotions on the immune system can affect health lie.
Self-denial or lying to make someone feel negative emotions that lead to stress suppressed. While telling the truth will release the emotional pressure, thereby reducing the risk of stress.
When you are telling the truth then it will protect itself from stress hormones. While lying will create feelings of anxiety and can become a time bomb ready to explode anytime.
Here are 10 words that often do men lie and women:
ManI do not drink alcoholIt's okay, I'm fineSorry, no cell phone signalIt's not really expensiveI'm on the roadI'm stuck in trafficDo not really love big assSorry, I do not know your phoneYou look skinnyThis is what I always wanted
It's okay, I'm fineI do not know, I never touched itIt's not really expensiveI do not drink alcoholI'm dizzyI bought it when there is a discountI was youngI do not throw it away reallyThis is what I always wanted

Soda Drinks with High Citrate Prevent Kidney Stones?

During this in mind too often drinking soda can be harmful to health. But soft drinks containing high citrate can prevent this type of kidney stones are most common.
In this study, researchers found that some version of orange drink diet soda flavors are popular as 7UP, Sunkist and Sprite contain relatively high amount of citrate.
Citrate can inhibit the formation of calcium oxalate stones are the most common cause of kidney stones.
The findings reported in the Journal of Urology shows that a diet soda with a high citrate can be used for people who are prone to kidney stones.
Kidney stones occur when the urine contains more crystal pembetuk substances such as calcium, uric acid and a substance called oxalate compared with other content that can be diluted. Most kidney stones caused by calcium and usually in combination with oxalate.
"One of the causes of people affected by kidney stones is a relatively small content of citrate in the urine of his," said Dr. Brian H Eisner, a urologist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, was quoted as saying by Reuters on Tuesday (18/05/2010).
So far, a common treatment to prevent kidney stones caused by calcium oxalate or other stone types such as uric acid stones is by taking supplements of potassium citrate.
But according to Dr. Eisner, how must this therapy can prevent kidney stone formation remains unclear, but some doctors have already suggested this to the patient. The purpose of this study was to see whether there are commercial drinks that contain citric similar to homemade lemonade.
Overall the study found an orange-based drinks including diet soda 7UP, Sunkist, Sprite, Fresca and Canada Dry ginger ale has a higher citrate levels than homemade lemonade. Other sodas do not contain lots of citrate.
Because there is no definite evidence of a high citric drinks help prevent kidney stone formation, currently researchers do not recommend someone on a diet orange soda flavor to prevent stone formation. But patients should be routinely advised to consume 2-3 liters of water or other fluids every day